A Little Share of some Great Work
Dear readers,
So today I thought I'd do a little share of some Great work that a couple of friends of mine are putting out into the World.
I love hearing recommendations from others myself and then following these trails of virtual breadcrumbs to discover something wonderful or unique that I might not have chanced across normally…and so I have a couple of my own secret delights to share today (and now no longer a secret!) of folks I love to follow online.
First up is Dan Nyne's blog… this is one I enjoy reading that some of you may also find helpful on the path…
I find his posts and articles interesting, informative, and often very thought provoking… He covers a wide range of different topics such as esoteric teachings from the Western Mystery tradition, Archetypes, Tarot, Shamanism, Paganism, Faerie contacts, Nordic traditions etc … and he shares some really good book reviews too!
You can find his blog over here >> http://www.dannyne.com

The next one is mixed media artist Carissa Paige, whose wild and exuberant bohemian painting and drawing style is really unique and colourful and directly mirrors her life both on and off the canvas!
She currently has an e-course going, now available as a self-paced class, so it's not too late to join in the fun! For those who would like to learn to paint loose and free and may help them to get in touch with their own unique style and voice.

Here is the preview trailer >>Â
If you haven't seen her art yet, seriously check it out! The link to her blog >>Â http://carissapaige.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/messy-mavens-self-paced-adventure-train.html
You can also find her wonderful paintings on Etsy >>Â https://www.etsy.com/shop/carissapaige
Blessings of beauty and mystery,
Catherine Athena xo
• • •My journey through the senses• • •
taste:: Crispy Autumn-ripe Apples… the scent as you bite, the juiciness…… yeah, I know.
smell:: Wood smoke at sunset, as the weather turns and the fire places in the town ignite.
touch:: keyboard, frenetically but purposefully.
see:: A view from my office window of the world passing by…so many interesting characters.
hear:: Still listening to older Clannad tracks, that evoke so perfectly the mood of the season.
think:: I'm going to film something soon.
feel:: Alive from evening walks, in-deep discussions on archetypes, brainstorming, note taking on our discoveries for a future project. Strange, and wildly exciting.
read:: Alejandro Jodorowsky's fascinating introduction, in his book "The Way of the Tarot; The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards"…. so many synchronisities while working with Marcel Marceau in Paris and Mexico and collecting his 1000 tarot decks, to how he uncovered and re-covered the original art and symbolism of the Tarot of Marseille.
intuit:: It's going to be a phenomenal Eclipse and Full Moon this coming Sunday! (27 September)
Fasten your seat belts!Â