Filling The Creative Well
A commonly asked question for artist's & creatives is ''How do you stay inspired?'' or "What do you do when you are stuck and don't feel like painting?" … It's a good question and I think it's a good practice to have something practical to fall back on when those inevitable fallow times come, the brief seasons we get when the artistic fields need to rest before re-planting. Nature has her cycles and it can't be high-tide and high-summer all year round!
For me personally, periods of resting and reflection are absolutely vital to replenish. And even when I am in full-flow making mode, a walk out in nature or riding my vintage bicycle around the streets can provided a much-needed break in the routine…. Or my very favourite way to reboot is to visit a quirky little store in town that I find inspiring and always makes me feel like I am 're-filling the well' {a little mini artist's date a'la Julia Cameron} then I go home, put some music on, reach for my art supplies and get down to it.

I'd love to hear how you come 'unstuck' and stay inspired… Please go ahead and leave a comment below this post.
Blessings of the golden Fall,
Catherine Athena xo