Mixed Media May Interview Feature
It's been a terrific month for seeing a variety of artist's work being featured over on Cindy Jones Lantier's yearly Mixed Media Art Blog! Â
It's the final showcase today for 2014, and you can find an interview with me and some of my mixed media creations over there -->> http://www.mixedmediamay.com/mixed-media-may-cat-athena-louiseÂ

      "Pathfinder" ~11.7" x 16.5" hand-cut paper animals, watercolor and collage elements on paper

"Luck of the Draw" ~ collage, acrylic, pencil, gel pen & ephemera on map paper
There will be a giveaway over on the Mixed Media May blog tomorrow {Saturday 31st May, 2014} so don't forget to pop back over there to find out how you can win some mixed media art goodies.Â
Till next time...
Blessings of beauty,
Catherine Athena xo
• • •My journey through the senses• • •
taste:: Ricotta, Lemon Zest pancakes ~ crazy delicious!
smell:: Luscious Lime incense smoke billowing ~ to awaken clarity of mind
touch:: May blossoms in hedgerows & dandelion thistledown
see:: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel {for the elderly & beautiful} ~ my kinda retirement!
hear:: Ravi Shankar & George Harrison's 'Chants of India' rocking my inner devotee
think:: I'm loving drinking 2 - 3 litres of water a day
feel:: The recent astrological changes {Grand Cardinal Cross} have seen me grow and evolve in ways I never imagined possible. Breakthrough. Massive. Trajectory changing.
read:: "Autobiography of a Yogi" ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
intuit:: This could be the start (again!) of something incredible!Â