Setting Sail...
I've been taking a class on Art Licensing with Lilla Rogers School and this past week was all about 'Wall Art'... Paint and Collage!
I decided to do a Children's Wall Art theme, with a Wolf and a Bear sailing away on a big adventure.

"Setting Sail... Catching the Trade Winds" 39"x39" Acrylic / Collage on canvas
It features collage pieces cut from Gelli Art prints I've made, hand painted paper-cut characters, and the background is primarily finger-painted. Â
I let my inner child go wild on a HUGE canvas! (39"x 39")
It was an epic 3 day Paint-athon to pull this off with a tight deadline for completion and submission.
As an added *challenge* the piece we created had to be primarily in two main colors selected for us by Lilla to correspond to our Astrological Sun Sign... mine being Capricorn, so Red and Blue. We could also include neutrals ~ white, black, silver, taupe, grey, beige etc... and the artwork needed to include some 'florals', even if this was just a tiny detail.
I adore blue & red, and blended red and my neutral white for the pink clouds, and blue and red to make a tiny hint of purple.

Gelli Art prints make great collage elements. I used a complete one ~ almost A4 size (detail bottom left hand corner) to make watery reflections in blue-purple, prussian blue and red

 Turquoise clouds with silver linings!

Finger-painted background and collage boat

Gelli Art print makes the floral detail on the sail.

A close-up of my voyagers, Wolf and Bear
Once again, I had a lot of fun with this one, and the process is stretching me to grow in new ways!Â
Blessings of beauty!Â
Catherine Athena xo